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FactoryTalk Scheduler (โปรแกรมการจัดตารางการผลิต)

FactoryTalk® Scheduler is a client/server application that is an integrated part of the FactoryTalk product suite. FactoryTalk Scheduler allows you to generate a detailed, finite-capacity schedule that provides a view into the future.

Why is FactoryTalk Scheduler the right solution for your enterprise?

  • FactoryTalk Scheduler helps manufacturers actively manage the flow of orders through production.
  • FactoryTalk Scheduler cuts overtime, set-ups, and work-in-process while increasing throughput and delivery date.
  • FactoryTalk Scheduler is a finite-capacity scheduler (FCS) that considers real production constraints, thereby producing a realistic, attainable production schedule. Direct result is increased customer satisfaction.
  • It takes a proactive stance in generating a production schedule by considering constraints (e.g., labor, tools, materials, machines, current plant-floor status) when creating a production schedule, thus enabling users to plan production, rather than react to it.
  • FactoryTalk Scheduler allows users to see — with its familiar Gantt-style planning board — the potentially negative effects of a new rush job or priority order. A more intelligent decision can be made as to whether the order should be rushed.
  • It offers a wide variety of scheduling rules (e.g., due date, priority, least setup time, etc.) and analysis tools (e.g., reports, charts, metrics) to assist in creating a quality production schedule.
  • The production planner has complete scheduling control through use of the manual drag-and-drop scheduling combined with algorithmic- or simulation-based scheduling rules.
  • Consulting services are available from a functional specification defining the production model to full, turnkey implementations of the FactoryTalk Scheduler system.

Using FactoryTalk Scheduler, production schedulers can identify and act on late orders; manage capacities and constraints, including labor and material; and identify consequences of making changes, like expediting orders. FactoryTalk Scheduler allows total resource management and, most importantly, provides time to react to unintended consequences.

Increase Throughput; Slash WIP, Over-time, and On Hand Inventory
Scheduling Software: RSBizWare Scheduler displays your schedule on an easy-to-adjust electronic planning board. To move opeartions you just point, click, drag and drop. See the impact of Rush orders before you accept them. Anticipate problems like equipment downtime beforehand, instead of reacting off-hand.

Capturing Your Production Costs is as Easy as ABC
Scheduling Software: Scheduler offers several different categories of Activity-Based Costing Reports so you can find out what it really costs you to manufacture your products. This makes it easy to accrue costs by product, order, resource, or operation. You can also compare planned costs to actuals by simply selecting an off-the-shelf report.

Make Better Decisions by Playing "What If?"
Scheduling Software: Scheduler's Net Change Scorecard helps you weigh the pros and cons of using different scheduling strategies by providing key indicators such as number of late orders and percentage change in late orders.

Integrate faster and closer with state-of-the-art connectivity
Scheduling Software: Scheduler works with Microsoft Access and the common relational database platforms Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle. Additionally, Scheduler supports COM/DCOM and ActiveX, so you can easily establish a link to any ODBC, DAO, or ADO data source.

Analyze how you are Performing
Scheduling Software: Since Scheduler's reports are based on Crystal Reports, the reports you need to manage production -- like this Resource Utilization Report-are at your fingertips.

Manage your Bottlenecks Better
Scheduling Software: Work with your bottlenecks, not against them. Scheduler's bottlenecks scheduling feature lets you produce schedules that reduce bottlenecks and increase your through-put. All you need to do is select your bottleneck resources, choose "Sequence by Bottleneck" and let Scheduler handle the rest.

Capture the unique details of your system
Scheduling Software: For complex production environments, Scheduler's routing structures capture everything you need, from Bill of Materials explosions to the availability of purchased items.

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M-Focus Co., Ltd.,   Address: I-Tower Bldg., 14th Flr., 888 Vipavadee-Rangsit Rd., Jatujak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand.
Marketing: (662) 513-9892 ext.123-128  Customer Support: ext. 110, 111, 112  Fax: (662) 512-3890   
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