

Forecast Pro XE
Only 55,000 Bht


Forecasting Software :
Quickly and accurately forecast sales, costs and virtually anything else using the best-selling and highest-rated forecasting software available.

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«Í¿µìáÇÃìà¾×èèÍ¡ÒþÂҡóì Forecast Pro (Forecasting Software)

Forecast Pro XE

Forecast Pro XE is a desktop analysis tool designed to satisfy both basic and advanced forecasting needs. Using Forecast Pro XE’s Expert Selection mode, you can automatically create accurate forecasts for up to 100 items (such as products or SKUs) with just a couple clicks of the mouse. If you prefer to specify the forecasting approach, Forecast Pro XE provides a full range of menu-driven custom modeling options and detailed diagnostic displays to support even the most sophisticated analysis. And you can do much more with Forecast Pro XE, including adding your business knowledge, creating dazzling presentations and working with your existing data.

Add Your Business Knowledge

Forecast Pro XE lets you adjust your forecasts on a graph or in a spreadsheet-like display—in either view, you see both the historical data and forecasted values, allowing you to easily compare patterns within the data. You can adjust single points, ranges or totals, using percentages, increments or by simply entering new values. If you’ve defined a multiple-level hierarchy, adjusting a value at any given level will automatically adjust all appropriate levels.

Make Convincing Presentations

With Forecast Pro XE, you can create dazzling, presentation-quality reports in seconds. Four professionally-designed standardized report formats are included as well as a custom reporting option for maximum flexibility. You can graph your results on a time series or year-over-year basis, choose from several eye-catching formats including 3-D lines and 3-D columns, and save your reports directly to Excel.

Work With Your Existing Data

Forecast Pro XE imports data in a variety of flexible, easy-to-create formats including Excel and Lotus spreadsheets, text files and ODBC. These flexible formats allow you to easily import and export data from virtually any source. There is also an on-line editor to enter your data directly, or to modify and amend files.

Diagnose Your Models

Forecast Pro XE provides a standardized set of diagnostic screens to help you compare and evaluate models. You get graphs of the residuals and the error autocorrelation function, grid displays of the correlation matrix and covariance matrix, as well as key numeric statistics: Adjusted R-Square, MAPE, Sample Size, Mean, Schwartz BIC, Ljung-Box, RMSE, Standard Deviation, MAD, R-Square and Standard Forecast Error.

Evaluate Alternative Forecasts

If you define a holdout sample, Forecast Pro XE will automatically generate out-of-sample MAPE, MAD and GMRAE statistics to measure forecast performance. This handy feature allows you to quickly evaluate different models and answer questions like "How accurate would my forecasts have been had I used Forecast Pro XE last year?"


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